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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well You Didn't Keep Your End of the Bargain....

I tried to be nice...

I withheld my postings for over a year despite a heated election, a republican VP candidate ripe for every dumb person joke in the book, a cryass yet righteous defeat on your part, and the laughable elements of your party saying our new squeaky clean President was actually a Kenyan.

I can't keep quiet anymore...there is just too much stupidity in the air and it sure smells like conservatism on the march. The final straw was yesterday when I had the odious opportunity to see your dumber side truly show it's ass yet once more!

Here we have an Israeli national talking up his country's national health care system and the fact that they do more than hold a mattress sale on their memorial day for their veterans. I don't really support alot of Isreal's policies, especially towards the Palestinians in Gaza, but respect for the soldiers who follow orders is important in any society.

Then all of a sudden from somewhere in the crowd a complete idiot screams "Heil Hitler!" an Israeli Jew. When the poor guy calls her out on it and explains he isn't there to support Obama, we see a couple of right wing goons come in to protect their erstwhile genius. Then the guy goes farther and says he once had to go to the emergency room in the States and was given an $8000.00 bill for the visit. Then the woman further shows her ass and starts to mock cry at the man with a oh-so-mature "waaahhhh".

How quickly we forget the dark days of the Bush / Cheney occupation when the slightest show of dissent was greeted with arrest and prosecution. There's the story of the couple who were arrested just for wearing an anti-Bush t-shirt at a rally. And this wasn't one depicting Bush as Hitler, it just had the word Bush in a circle with a line through it a-la Ghostbusters. And that's just one example of the ACTUAL fucking tyranny we lived in for eight mind numbing years. There are more examples here, here, and here! What about the lovely Dixie Chicks almost losing their well earned careers just for practicing THEIR 1st Amendment rights?

Our side never ran around at town halls with pictures of Bush as Hitler and we had more than a leg to stand on with the issue. Quite frankly, it seemed too easy a target when you see quotes like this...

The real problem with the Progressive side is that we let way too much slide in the name of fairness, conservatives don't have that capacity as whatever amino acid in the brain governs rational and fair thought is either simply missing or dried out after too much Faux news. And since the election we have pretty much stayed quiet while the tea bagger and birther crowd has made a concerted effort to dumb down the national discourse with misinformation and idiotic distraction.

Not any more...

The sleeping giant is awake once again. Myself and others' patience has officially run out and the gloves are off. The title of my blog is Righteous Dissent and even though that which I dissent against is no longer in power, my services are needed now more than ever. A good sign of this is Rep. Barney Frank's smackdown of an asshat conservative at his town hall yesterday.


I close this long ass post with song I dedicate to the right wing of the United States from a group of brave young women who know full well the hypocrisy flying around right now and the damage it can do...